Today, the keenly awaited National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline 2023 Smart Map was released by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) in partnership with Barbour ABI.
The map sets out planned procurements, planned and projects investment, and workforce requirements in construction and infrastructure over the next decade. Our new interactive map can provide you with a clear understanding of where infrastructure investment is being made and by whom.
You can access the Smart Map here.
Key highlights include:
- The IPA estimate the need for approximately 543-600,000 workers per year over the next two years to deliver the profile of investment in the pipeline – approximately 60% of which are in construction sector occupations.
- Over the next decade, the IPA estimate a planned and projected £700-775bn overall investment in infrastructure projects across the country.
- £64 billion of this investment in the next two years is through Modern Methods of Construction. This supports our Transforming Infrastructure Performance (TIP) programme, which the IPA intends to embed into business as usual practices by 2025.
Access the map to discover key details, such as: sector, status, value, timing, and region of each project in the pipeline.