Watch our demo to learn how to:
• Create saved searches of your ideal projects
• Understand industry relationships
• Build custom league tables
• Manage and export leads
• Lead your sales team to a more efficient way of lead generation
Discover how custom saved searches reduce your usual prospecting time with the platform. We help you with the set up, or provide guidance on how you can create them. and access these searches every time you log in. You can even opt to have them alert you via email on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
Reveal the industry’s history through our relationships feature. Simply search for the company you’re interested in learning more about, and toggle to the relationships panel to see who they’ve been working with.
View by role from contractor, client, engineer, and more or select ‘all roles’ to get a full view. Use this feature to understand who consistently works with who so you can avoid unnecessary tendering and keep an eye on your competitors.
After carefully curating your saved searches from projects, companies, and industry relationships, export your leads your own way.
You can choose to omit information, only export certain roles, records updated between certain time periods, and more.
Giving you the ability to export everything you want, and nothing you don’t.
Our brand new AI powered search functionality delivers more than just answers, it provides results directly within the platform. Tell the AI model what you’re looking for and the platform calls up the results for you. Need to refine your initial results? Easy, just ask.
Do you need to see all projects in Surrey under £85m in the education sector? Just ask.
Don’t just take our word for it, watch the demo breaking down the core functionalities of our project leads platform to see how you can win more work with Barbour ABI.
Fill out the form to watch the demo at your own pace.
Place of registration: Barbour ABI Limited Company number: 13427982, Registered office: 5th Floor, 133 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7BX
Place of registration: Barbour ABI Limited Company number: 13427982, Registered office: 5th Floor, 133 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7BX